Boost your sales with advanced intelligence with AI Related Products - WooCommerce Recommendation

Galore Documentation

1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance > Themes and click the Add New button.

2. Click Upload Theme and Choose File, then select the theme’s .zip file. Click Install Now.

3. Click Activate to use your new theme right away.

4. Install and Activate The Recommended Plugins ( One Click Demo Importer and Jetpack). NOTE: Jetpack plugin is not compulsory to install and activate. Everything will work fine without ‘Jetpack’ plugin also.

5. Refresh the page and go to Appearance => Import Demo Data. Click on Import Demo Data Blue button and wait for almost 1 minute until it says ‘All Done. Have Fun’.

6. If the Front Page is not assigned or else escape this part, go to Appearance => Customize=>Homepage/Frontpage Setting and check on a static home page and assign page for Front Page and Blog Page.

7. Open the Edit page that you assigned for Front page. Set the Template to Home page. ( Option is in the right side of the page ).

8. To Edit the page, go to Appearance => Customize and start editing your site from Theme Option Panel and Widgets.

Note: Main Slider section is edited from customizer. Other sections are edited from widgets. The widgets that are prefixed by ST are the custom widgets. All the widgets has a description mentioned with the compatible area for its use.

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