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Single Product Page Related Products

To show and customize the Advance Intelligence filtered products in single product page. Follow the instruction as shown below.

Go to Dashboard → AI Related Products → Single Product Page.

  1. By default, as soon as the plugin is activated, the default related products are replaced and the plugin’s related products are displayed. On your choice, you can enable or disable it.
  2. With this option, you can filter the products by including or excluding items from the user’s shopping cart.
  3. As your visitors visit the product page, the data is saved in a browser cookie. With this option, you can enable to filter the products with the reference of your visitors’ past products visit.
  4. You can filter the products based on the recent number of products, the user has already ordered or purchased.
  5. Set the number of products you want to display.
  6. Set the number of columns for the layout of related products.
  7. Click on Save Changes button to save the settings.

Note: 5. Number of products and 6. Number of columns has a different setting in FSE theme.

Follow the instruction to customize product count and column layout for FSE.

  1. Go to Dashboard → Appearance → Editor.
  2. Click on Templates.
  3. Scroll down and click on a Single Product.
  4. As you open edit page of Single Product, select Related Products Control inside Related Products Block.
  5. Click on the Control Icon.
  6. Change the value of Items Per Page to update the number of products to show.
  7. Click on Product Template.
  8. Select the Grid Icon.
  9. On right setting sidebar, change the value of columns to update column layout.